Saturday 23 July 2011

How to Perform Umrah : Part-I ( Setting off for Umrah )

PART I - Setting off for Umrah

Nawafil at Home.         Offer 2xrakat nafil at home or near by Masjid as you intend to set off from home, if the time is not prohibited.
How to wear Ehraam
                                       (1)         Take shower ( Ghusal ) – Sunnah ( If it is not feasible then may perform abolution )
                                       (2)         Take 2x unstiched white cloth ( Sunnah )
(a)          Wear one down above belly button so as to keep the ankles naked.
(b)          Put on second above so as to cover both shoulders ( right shoulder will be kept naked during tawaaf )
                                       (3)         Men to wear such foorware so as to keep the upper prominent bone of foot bare.
                                       (4)         Ifthe time is not forbidden, then offer 2 x Nawafil-e-Ahraam
Niyyat for Umrah        
                                       (1)         “O Allah! I intend to perform Umrah in Your way, make it easy for me and accept it.”
                                       (2)         And say Talbih ‘Labbaik Allahuma Labaik, Labaika la shareeka laka labbaik, innal hamda wannaemata laka wal mulk, la shareeka lak’. Saying Talbih once is mandatory, however, saying it three times is Sunnah.
                                       (3)         Say Durood Sharif and pray.
                                       (4)         Thereon, starts the restriction of Ehraam
DONTs in the State of Ehraam
                                       (1)         Cut nails / hair, cover head or face
                                       (2)         For men, to wear any stitched cloth or any footware that covers the prominent central foot bone
                                       (3)         Apply perfume.
                                       (4)         Cover face
                                       (5)         Lie down on bed with so as the face gets covered
                                       (6)         Comb hair
Part II : Introduction to Masjid al Haram

Wednesday 20 July 2011

US Drone shot down in Iran

US Spy Drone Shot Down by Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian legislator confirmed earlier reports saying that a US drone has been shot down by Iran over Fordo nuclear enrichment plant in the Central Qom province.

Member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Ali Aqazadeh Dafsari said on Tuesday that the unmanned spy plane was flying near the Fordo nuclear enrichment plant in Qom province when the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)'s Air Defense units brought it down.

The official stated that the US drone was on a mission to identify the location of the Fordo nuclear enrichment plant and gather information about the nuclear facility for the CIA, Dafsari stated.

Earlier this year, a senior Iranian military official had confirmed reports on the shooting down of several enemy drones over the Persian Gulf, and said Iran has targeted a large number of these pilotless planes during the last 7 years.

"We have experienced similar incidents many times in the past and there have even been drones belonging to the occupying Zionist regime (Israel), the United States and Britain which have been shot down in the Persian Gulf during the past 7 years," the senior military official told FNA in January.

Also in January 2007, the Iranian military troops shot down a spy plane of the US army when trying to cross Iran-Iraq borders in the Southwestern city of Dasht-e-Azadegan, Khuzestan province. 


Saturday 16 July 2011



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